Sunday, September 30, 2012

outsider art

Baltimore is getting hot.  Including an inspiring museum collection devoted entirely to outsider art - The American Visionary Art Museum.

I want to go to Baltimore right now and visit the museum, eat a tower of shellfish at L.P. Steamers, chow down for breakfast with the locals.

street fashion

I love street fashion and the creative ways the everyday person combines unusual and ordinary.  Here's a latest video from the New York Times;  also a photo stream on Street Style: Gender Bending, including the androgynous look and "borrowing the best from both sexes." 


I'm enjoying the Brandenburg Concertos these days -- especially conducted by Rinaldo Allessandrini.  Here's a joyful No. 3 in G for three violins, three violas, three cellos, and bass.  HARMONICO101 says it is Winner of the Grammaphone editor's Choice award, and the 2006 Grammaphone award for best baroque instrumental recording.